I went to the Llanquihue Province in March 2012 and found it a very beautiful and interesting area, with excellent food. It is located in southern Chile in the northern Patagonia region.
Chile and Uruguay are considered the safest countries in South America.

The second largest lake in Chile, Lake Llanquihue, is there. Also the Osorno volcano which looks like Mount Fuji in Japan because of it´s exceptionally symmetrical cone.

There is strong German influence in the cities and towns next to Lake Llanquihue, because the Chilean government encouraged German immigration in 1848, a time of revolution in states of the German Confederation. As the failure of the first democratic revolution, the liberal political movement was deprived of its hopes of becoming a national state with constitution, which would guarantee the right to vote and individual liberty for all social classes. The economic and political situation led many Germans to emigrate. Between 1849 and 1851, more than one million German citizens left their country in search of a better future.
As representative of the German immigrants to Chile, Carlos Anwandter swore in 1850: “We will be honest and hardworking Chileans like the ones that are most…”

I stayed at Puerto Varas, which is known as “La ciudad de las rosas” (e. The city of roses).
Sagrado Corazón de Jesus (e. The Church of Sacred Heart of Jesus) in Puerto Varas is a catholic church built in 1915 and modeled after the Marienkirche in Germany’s Black Forest.
Very smart way to learn about birds in the area. It´s designed like a bird´s nest and inside are photos and information about different types of birds. By pressing a button the sound or song of the bird can be heard.
Frutillar is known as the “City of Music” because of the classical music weeks festival that takes place every year at the Teatro del Lago (e. Theater of the Lake) which brings thousand of visitors. The festival is the largest classical music festival in Chile and is organized by the Cultural Corporation, the University of Chile, and the Chilean Air Force. About 40 concerts are held in about two weeks.
The German immigration proved to be a success, as the region later was very well developed with European technology and good German schools.
This little house in Frutillar looks like a German Black Forest Cuckoo Clock.
They make very good cheese in Puerto Octay, Chile. I also had German lunch there.
I had a very good buffet at the farm Rancho Espantapajaros close to Puerto Octay in Chile, including wild pork which had been roasted for 3 hours. The meat was dark and tasted similar to lamb.

- I sailed to Peulla in Chile and had lunch at hotel Natura